Video Game Motion Sickness: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Although it is a regular problem for many players, motion sickness is still a forbidden subject among the gaming community.  Players who feel as though they are “less hardcore” may find it difficult to share their experiences.  Still, motion sickness from video games is a real issue that should be taken under consideration.  Headaches, vertigo, nausea, intense perspiration, and too much salivation can all follow from it.  Let’s investigate the reasons behind this condition and look at preventative measures.

Motion sickness is what?


Often called simulator sickness, motion sickness connected to video games was initially noted during flight simulation use.  This disorder results from the discrepancy between what your body feels and what your eyes see.  Basically, it’s the sensation your brain gets when it detects motion but your body stays still.  For example, watching another automobile back up while seated in a stopped car might produce motion that causes nausea.


According to the accepted wisdom, your body misreads this gap as evidence of poisoning, which causes movement hallucinations.  As your body tries to remove supposed poisons, this causes nausea and, in severe cases, vomiting.

How may games induce motion sickness?


Though some kinds of video games are more likely to cause symptoms, not all games cause motion sickness.  While certain limited field of vision games can overload the senses, others can cause players to feel as though they are falling.  Different movements interacting—such as head bobbing and weapon bobbing—can aggravate the problem.



  • Head bobbing is a part of Call of Duty gameplay.
  • Halo has a very obvious gun bob.
  • Bio Shock uses a gun bob mechanism as well.
  • Realistic camera in Gears of War that follows the character helps to induce motion sickness.


Fascinatingly, motion nausea can strike someone watching as well.  Nausea can be brought on by seeing someone else engage in a game with a player-operated camera that moves erratically.

Motion sickness symptoms

It is crucial to identify the motion sickness symptoms.  Common indicators include:


  • Pain in the head
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sickness
  • Severe perspiration
  • Too much saliva produced


If you game and have any of these symptoms, you have to act right now.


Treatment and Risk Reduction

  • Here are some actions to help you overcome motion sickness should it strike:
  • Stop Playing Right away: The first action is to pause.  To have some fresh air, step outside or open a window.
  • Change Your Environment: To lessen strain on your eyes, practise in a properly light environment.
  • To reduce the visual stimulus’ intensity, sit further from the screen.


Gradual Exposure: Over time your body could adjust to gaming.  As you become more used to the experience, try playing in brief stints and progressively extend your playtime.


Medication: Some over-the-counter drugs such Dramamine, Bonine, Meclizine, and Benadryl could be of use.  Be careful, nevertheless, of possible sleepiness.


Choose Wisely: Think about moving to simpler games if some games always make you sick.  Comfortable gameplay can come from games with low camera movement and strong emphasis on stationary goals.




Many gamers of video games really worry about motion sickness.  Knowing its causes and symptoms can help you reduce the impacts and enjoy gaming free from discomfort.  Talk about your experiences; keep in mind that you are not alone.  Simple changes and awareness of your gaming behaviour can help you to keep exploring new virtual worlds without running the danger of sickness.


For more valuable insights, explore our article on health and fitness to continue your fitness journey





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